Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Cop’s Life Essay

I use to dream of being a cop , Its really tempting for most of the kids when they see someone in uniform, zooming through the streets in a cruiser with flashing lights .I always thought that to be cop all it takes is a good built and a brave heart .I am sure even for you A cop is a brave good looking person in uniform who helps to keep the city streets crime free , who makes sure that that the violators of traffic gets a ticket .This story I read was a real eye opener for me and changed my way of thinking about a officers job profile completely . I never thought that the officers go through so much emotional trauma while doing their jobs. These men in black are not only brave physically but very brave mentally as well .It’s not an easy job to see a young kid drenched in blood die in your arms and you are so helpless that you can’t save his life . While the officer is waiting for the ambulance its traumatizing because he could remember that kid from the college basketball game or late night traffic check last week. It does not end for him here; he has to give the message of the young guy’s death to his parents. Imagine coming home, and not having the slightest clue to where your teen is, or has been all night. The doorbell finally rings after waiting and waiting for hours, yet it’s not your son or daughter standing in front of you, it’s a deputy officer. It’s obviously hard on the parents to hear about their child dying in a car accident due to a foolish mistake, but it’s harder for a father of two young kids to break it to them. The writer of this story did a phenomenal job in explaining every little detail of the story. From the curve of the highway, to the position of the dead body. I was able to read a single sentence and picture everything in my head right away because of the unique description. This story has a great moral value, as well as the effects on others because of one choice you might make just for the heck of it. Drunk driving isn’t anyone elses fault, and nobody should have to suffer because of a mistake you made. A Cop’s Life Essay In â€Å"A Cop’s Life† Heather MacDonald describes the media’s blinding prejudices when it comes to policing and race and supported it with two different cop’s life stories. First is about a black man who was shot dead by a cop who was trying to restrain him because he was running naked through traffic pounding cars and received only two mentions in the press outside Seattle. MacDonald compared this story to an angry-cop case that has been videotaped slugging a cuffed black teen once in the head who received 370 stories in the event and flooded the nation’s airwaves and presses. The author describes how being accused of racism affects a cop to do his job. In today’s world, due to a continuous competition in news and media industry, it seems like most of the news that is coming out today are reconstructed to a way that it will attract more people. And due to the fact that for some reasons, bad news are more catchy than good news and that influential people like policemen are more interesting to talk about, a lot of people are being mislead by media’s bias information. I would take the example used by the author in this article as my example. It is an incident of a police officer who has been forced to use his power to stop a civilian who is doing an unlawful violent behavior. The whole story was not out in the news which includes the behavior of the civilian before and just after the latter was cuffed. The only video that they represented was when the civilian was thrown on the hood, but the earlier part that should supposedly concludes the reason why the police officer has to do it was never presented. It was this type of bias reporting that left the police officer guilty and no way to defend himself. Being a cop is not easy for it requires commitment, responsibilities and dedication. Civilians look at you as a perfect person who are not allowed to commit a single mistake and that all of the things that you will be doing should be at the right thing, that is why when a cop is linked to an incident wherein the cop’s image is being affected that would make a history and will be talked in news in different forms. Cops will be assaulted, cursed at, assaulted and even shot at but they can never strike back. Bias opinions by the media should stop and the heroic deeds of the cops should be recognized. Part 2 1. Harlem Renaissance started last 1920 in New York as part of the African American History and it gave birth to new talents like Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston and Paul Robenson. 2. â€Å"Unconscious† made Sigmund Freud famous as he published books and an article explaining this type of human’s condition. According to him this is a part of an individual’s personality that they cannot control. He also conducted series of Psychoanalysis to people with different ages which supported his beliefs. 3. Watchers might perambulate around the place where the incident happened that is why peace officers protected the throughway. 4. Police officers practice professionalism despite of the large number of tasks being assigned to them. References Heather Mac Donald. â€Å"A Cop’s Life† July 23, 2002. The National Review. < http://www. nationalreview. com/comment/comment-mac-donald072302. asp>

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